

Microsurgery is a category of surgery in which advanced treatment procedures get implemented to move one tissue from your body to another.

The part from where the tissue gets taken is called the donor site and the part that needs reconstruction or replantation is known as the recipient site. The procedure is essential for recovering your functioning or to improve your physical appearance. Microsurgery provides treatment for structures like blood vessels and nerves.

We can classify Microsurgery into a few parts. Some of them are –

Cancer Reconstruction:

Suffering from cancer can be devastating and can have multiple repercussions on your body. You may need some tweaking to adjust your appearance or to improve the ability of the organs. A few of the examples where reconstruction commonly takes place are mentioned below –

Head and Neck Cancer: Tumours in head and neck can lead to massive outcome in terms of physical appearance and other detriments.

Breast reconstruction and Oncoplastic Surgery: The aim of breast reconstruction is to retrieve the normal shape, size, symmetry of your breasts. The reconstruction can take place mainly through these steps: Implant reconstruction or Flap reconstruction.

Perineal and vulvo-vaginal cancer: This type of reconstruction is usually performed due to cancer surgeries and congenital deformities. The reconstruction takes place in the urinary parts of the body.

Extremity tumour resections: A resection is known as the surgical procedure for tissue removal. Removing a tumour is one of the common procedures that get done. The doctor aims to omit the whole tumour or the maximum part of it as possible to reduce complications.

Hand Surgery

Hand Surgery:

Hand Surgery takes place to retrieve normal strength and functionality of your fingers and wrists. Different circumstances like accidents or trauma or birth defects can be treated fruitfully by the surgical procedures like replantations and revascularizations.

Nerve Surgery:

Nerve repair and Nerve grafting are two of the most used nerve surgeries that take place. In case of a damaged nerve, the surgeon can connect it with a healthy nerve end, it is known as the nerve repair. And in case the doctor implants a healthy nerve from a different part of the body to the affected site, it is known as the nerve grafting.

Lymphedema Surgery:

The swelling that takes place in the body due to excess lymph in the soft tissues is known as the Lymphedema Surgery. It is a common side effect post cancer.

Lymphedema Debulking: This treatment procedure is used for people suffering from lymphedema.

Bypass Surgeries: It is the procedure by which the surgeon bypasses the damaged nodes and connect your lymphatic nodes directly to the veins.

Vascular Malformations:

A vascular malformation is known as the ailment that deals with various types deformities related to the blood vessels.

Post-Traumatic Contour Deformities:

Post-Traumatic Contour Deformity can happen to children as well as adults for various traumatic injuries. These deformities need early healing, otherwise it can lead to further serious complications.

Diabetic Foot Reconstruction:

Diabetes is a serious ailment that can cause nerve damaged due to high blood sugar levels. This state is known as the Diabetic Foot Reconstruction. With our suitable treatment, the damage to the foot and ankle get resolved.

Microsurgery FAQ's

An Exciting Path To A New You

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