Liposuction in Siliguri

Impressive Liposuction In Siliguri

It is a medical procedure in which excess fat and skin are removed from certain regions of the body. It utilizes a suction technique to remove saggy skin from hips, thighs, buttocks, neck or arms, abdomen, and other parts of the body. It contours the part of the boy where liposuction has been performed. This surgery does not promote losing weight but enhances the appearance of a person and helps them gain confidence.

With the medical expertise of Dr. Md. Sohaib Akhtar and fascinating medical equipment, change the way you look and boost your confidence. He is one of the most renowned plastic and cosmetic surgeons in India. His excellency has gained him a senior member of IIAPS, APSI, and NABI. He has also produced 6 scientific papers and advertised 20 scientific research papers in various National and International journals.

Why Liposuction?

It’s the medical procedure to remove fat or loose skin from different regions of the body which is not responding to diet and exercise, these regions include:

  • • Buttocks
  • • Calves and ankles
  • • Abdomen
  • • Upper arms
  • • Hips and thighs
  • • Chin and neck
  • • Chest and back

Liposuction is practiced in some cases of breast reduction or gynecomastia.

Risks Of Liposuction

Some of the risks related to liposuction can be:


In some cases, infections tend to appear during or after surgery. It is easily treated with medications but cases of infection are pretty rare. Certain infections can be life-threatening to some people.


Some people may experience numbness after surgery. It can be temporary or permanent depending on the effect.

Fluid accumulation

Temporary patches of fluid might get accumulated under the skin after the surgery. The fluid is usually drained in the process by the doctor with the help of a needle.

Internal puncture

A piece of medical equipment known as a cannula may penetrate too deeply and cause an internal puncture of an internal organ. Scenarios like this can get severe and immediately require medical surgery.

Kidney and heart problems

Irregular shifts in fluid levels in the human body can cause kidney and heart problems. It may also lead to life-threatening heart, lung, and kidney problems.

Contour irregularities

The appearance of wavy and bumpy skin caused after surgery is known as contour irregularity. Uneven fat removal or improper practice may lead to this condition. These irregularities may be permanent or require another surgery. Poor skin elasticity and unusual healing can lead to this condition as well.

Cosmosurge clinic introduces you to the most impressive liposuction in Siliguri. With the proper medical equipment and expertise of Dr. Md. Sohaib Akhtar, find the right solution for baggy and loose skin. Attain a body you are proud of and boost your confidence as well as your appearance. However, the main aim of this surgery is not to weight loss but alter the look of a person as per their requirement.

An Exciting Path To A New You

To book a consultation, send your appointment request online. Visit on selected date with atleast an hour in hand.
